Thursday, March 27, 2008

excell case 5

Thank g-d i have finally got this one right after redoing it from scratch!! I learnt how to insert new rows by clicking on the row I want to duplicate, and only then inserting the row. Also, I learnt about creating a chart and moving the chart to a new sheet without simply copying and pasting it.
Lastly, I learnt some basic chart functions, including labeling the chart, removing the legend and labeling the horizontal axis. thanks for the extra help after class!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

excell cases 2&3

Case 2:
I learnt many of the helpful functions in a cell sheet, including title and headings, different number formats (accounting,comma style format etc.) which really bring the chart to life.

Case 3: in this case I got to become familiar with the formula and SUM functions, as well as copying those formulas to other cells.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

ass 4 excel

hello Professor!

This H.W I really learnt how to use the "absolute" reference function by myself outside class, which was a really great feeling. In the beginning however,I didn't figure out how to reference it correctly so I tried to reference each one individually which obviously didn't work, but I eventually figured out how to reference it properly! I am sure it will come in handy...