Wednesday, February 13, 2008

a little about myself...

My full name is Natan Peretz Friedman. I am named Natan after my grandfather’s father, and Peretz after Grandmothers father, both from my father’s side. Peretz, who emigrated from Poland, worked as CPA, while Natan who emigrated from Lithuania worked as watch smith. Both of them stayed steadfast in their religious services, while simultaneously working hard to support their families. In fact, after my grandfather witnessed his father's rejection from the tuition committee of a Jewish elementary school, which resulted in him going to public school, he promised himself that he would take action some day. Indeed, after becoming very successful in the nursing home industry, he made sure to assist any Jewish kid in regards to his school tuition, as much as he can.

I was born in Einstein hospital while my father was enrolled in the Albert Einstein medical school. When I was about two years old, we moved to Providence, Rhode Island, where my father did his residency at Brown University. He eventually became an associate Professor of dermatology at the Brown medical school. When I was nine years old, we made aliyah to Jerusalem, where my family resides until this very day.

I have two sisters and two brothers. My older sister, Daniella, is married with two kids. She graduated from Hebrew University law school just over a year ago. Her husband, Chaim, studies and teaches at Yeshivat Aish Hatorah in the Old City of Jerusalem. My younger brother, Shlomo, is graduating this year from Machon Lev (Jerusalem Institute of Technology) with a degree in medical engineering. He just started his own start up company named ITD. My younger sister is doing sherut leumi at Zichron Menachem, which is an orginazation that helps sick children with cancer. My youngest brother, Avi, had just started high school where I myself had attended named Nehora, located just outside Modein.

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